From time to time it occurs to me to raise the importance of questioning of “who” and contemplating “what” we are. It is FAR MORE important than many of us would really want to think, especially since most of us don’t know whether we know who we are, or not, since all of us may THINK we know. Even me.
So in that spirit, I’m going to post some of my thoughts that indicate when we don’t know who we are. They are in no particular order of importance, for each one is as important as the next. If any one rings “true” to you, then all of the others apply, one way or anther, in effect.
Beliefs that indicate We Do NOT Know Who We Are
- For __________ reason(s), I am “better” or “worse off” than someone else.
- I am not responsible for my actions.
- I cannot change a bad situation.
- “Bad situations” exist.
- An affliction or situation has “victimized” me.
- My body cannot heal.
- Death is real.
- I am my body.
- God is “apart” from me.
- I fear evil.
- Evil can “hurt” me.
- I am “good,” and incapable of evil.
- Getting what I want out of life makes me “selfish”.
- God doesn’t love selfish people.
- There are ideas, people, or things that I should fear.
- Life began at “birth,” and ends at “death.”
- Being joyful and happy when others are suffering is insensitive.
- Praying to God makes it “okay” to continuing hating our “enemies”.
- Confessing our “sins” makes it “okay” to keep doing them.
- Suffering brings me “closer to God.”
- God is “on” anyone’s side, or “against” any “other.”
- “Others” actually exist… (God is ALL).
- I am or “my way” is “right” and others are “wrong”.
- Love should be guarded closely and with strict conditions.
- Someone owes me something.
- Anyone can be “closer to God” than someone else.
- I never get a fair break!
- I need something outside of my (Higher) self to feel or be safe and secure.
- Miracles cannot happen to me.
- Physical life is the only life, and when it ends, life ends.
That’s off the top of my head. There are as many expressions of not knowing who we are as there are people who hate, live in pain and disease, think they are victims, and think they can victimize others, and more so, actually think they can get away with it.
God is love. God is “you” and God s “me.” God is “believer” and “non-believer.” God is all expression. God must be that way if free will, within the dimensional range that is physical expression, is to be real. The power of God that we access and actually use, is directly related, and proportional to our willingness to acknowledge, accept, embrace, embody, and then channel LOVE through OUR BEINGNESS. The more we do it, the more God flows consciously (it’s always flowing, all the time), the more we shall receive in the image and form of our intent, and the more we empower ourselves to give.
Consider it…
Many thanks!
{I think the problem with self-inquiry is that most people aren’t really serious about it.}
I would add that most people have no idea how deep they need to go… or in fact, how deep they can go. It demonstrates the old adage, “you don’t know what you don’t know.”
I intend to explore some of those depths… and those who are truly interested should find the journey… fascinating, for we are all that.
{What passes these days for “self-discovery” is basically that you choose what you’re going to be addicted to, which “side” you’re going to be on (and hence, which “side” you’re against), etc.}
That’s “Duality 101″… core of our perception of separateness, beginnings/endings, polarities, etc.
Wow—that was incredibly insightful, especially for being just off the top of your head!
I think the problem with self-inquiry is that most people aren’t really serious about it. What passes these days for “self-discovery” is basically that you choose what you’re going to be addicted to, which “side” you’re going to be on (and hence, which “side” you’re against), etc.
I think genuine self-inquiry would reveal there is no “self” about which to enquire!